
Being OpenCIV certified means that your organization is compliant at a baseline level with the open-source methodology concepts regarding community collaboration, transparency, and information sharing. Becoming certified requires meeting the criteria listed below by publishing information on your website. The information must be easily accessible from your home page in two or fewer mouse clicks or finger taps and by clicking or tapping the certification logo we provide on your home page. Certification needs to be verified and renewed annually. The cost for certification is $2499 per year. Contact us for more information.

Requirements for certification:

  • Publishing annual financial records, including revenue and cryptocurrency, for public view
  • Publishing annual pollution records, such as environmental impact reports, for public view
  • Publishing annual lobbying, political, charitable, and all other donation records for public view
  • Publishing annual open-source technology participation and usage records for public view

Benefits provided with certification:

  • Promotion of your membership and efforts with a featured article also shared on social media
  • Adding your organization to our official list of certified organizations with a link back to your website
  • License to display the certification graphic on your website and a certificate to display on premises
  • Help with creating any customized RSS feeds based on categories or tags from keywords
  • 100 OpenCIV crypto tokens redeemable for additional featured benefits
OpenCIV Certified

Current Certified Organizations

* indicates Gold level certification

Gold level certification

Everything in standard certification plus:
More than 50% open-source technology usage company wide
Recurring certification yearly without discrepancies